Why Donate?

Why donate?

Many of you are fortunate enough, kind enough, motivated enough to be able to give to worthy causes and charities.

The reasons vary; maybe you have rescued animals in the past have found that they have changed their life. Anyone who has felt this can relate to our message of “You save their life, they change yours.” Even if you have not found your best friend through rescue, it is easy to understand the incredible impact rescuing animals has. Our founder has said very eloquently “What we do is inherently right, positive, and good.” There are certainly other reasons including holiday giving or sponsoring in someone else’s name; giving for a specific need you find important; charitable programs from your company; donations of property, plant, and equipment you may no longer need; you are looking for a source of your goodwill after you have gone; and the always helpful tax advantages; the list is endless.

If you have clicked on this page maybe you are considering donating to us here at Rescue Ranch Animal Sanctuary. We would like to thank you for considering us.

Donations are the lifeblood of Rescue Ranch Animal Sanctuary. Without the generosity and graciousness of our donors we could not do any of what we do.

We will do our best here to provide you information to be able to make a wise decision for the source of you kindness. We encourage you to look through this site and learn more About Us. This website is designed to provide you with information and answer any questions you may have.

If you find reasons as to why to give to us, we will do our best to provide you many ways as to how to give to us. Please click on the links here to find out more about our Donations programs and which specific program may work best for you.

If after looking through this you still have additional questions or would like to speak with us more, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.